My argument of evaluation is one that I actually have been arguing on TCU campus since the semester started: The new TCU meal plan sucks.
But in a more formal manner: The TCU meal plan is a waste of money, time, and efficiency. One could argue that the new TCU meal plan is a lot better quality than last years. The old TCU meal plan actually gave the students options of places to eat with just the one lump sum of the $1,100-$1,200 meal plan you chose. WIth that $1200 you could buy medicine, plastic cups, utensils, along with anything else you wanted to take back to your dorm or take on the run at Frog Bytes. You could eat at Sub Connection with that same sum if you have classes in Smith and no time for a long lunch break. You could also deduct money from that sum to get late night coffee and snacks at the library if you were studying late, or to eat at Pond Street Grill if you live in the Greek and like the short distance. But, TCU is, after all, a business, and they will do whatever to make an extra hundred thousand to do more less-than-absolutely-necessary re-gutting of buildings, putting in more sidewalks, and adding fancy flat screen TVs right by the doorway in Market Square that absolutely no one looks at. With the raise of the cost of the initial required meal plan, along with "send home" for snacks at the Bookstore, and only $100 of frogbucks for the semester per person, TCU is making a pretty penny off of all the money we are spending for food. Take the extra $900 for the meal plan and frog bucks and times it by the 2,000 that live on campus and you get an income of 1.8 million more than what they were making last year.
Don MIlls, the head of TCU dining services on campus recently emailed me with a menu of the day's food when I questioned him about vegetarian options for myself and many others. Unfortunately, there is some miscommunication between him and the kitchen staff because I still found my options severely limited.
Although the head of Dining Services and Greek Life did come to the most recent Panhellenic Council meeting and promise us to improve on what many students had complained about. They are trying to accommodate more seating in Market Square and working on more late night options for 1873. I recently asked 50 girls whether or not they were satisfied with the meal plan and all 50 of the polled were strongly against it and the changes it underwent from last year. This proves that most of the student body is opposed to the new meal plan, which means that the whole system needs to be reevaluated. The TCU class average, according to Student Foundation statistics have dropped significantly in the past year, and we dont want the meal plan being a reason for students choosing another school.
My claim or opinion is such: forget the extra seating ,the few more options for our salads and putting up a clock in market Square ( all of which were promised as a symbol of the administration hearing our pleas for improvements). More money equals more options. Let us pay the 2 grand for food, but just have more options come out of that sum: Frog Bytes, Bistro Burnett, Sub Connection, and Pond Street Grill.