Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Topic for the Next portfolio

I am doing my topic on the war in Iraq. I find the war incredibly controversial and will be very interested to do research on more than I already know. I chose this topic not only because I find it interesting, but because I feel like the war has been going on for several years and people are either forgetting about it, don't care anymore, or are sick of hearing about. Not only will I be able to use speeches and policies as research, but I am also planning to use interviews from my Dad who was over there in 2005. I have a lot to narrow down, but I haven't decided which aspect to focus on yet.


whopkins said...

You have a great idea and I think it is really smart becasue it has been going on for awhile, so there will be a lot of articles about it, and it does seem like people have forgotten about it and it still should be talked about for sure. I think your dad will be a great resource for your paper as well. Good luck!

Noelle said...

I think that it's going to be somewhat difficult since there is so much information on the war, so I hope you are able to narrow it down, but it needs to be discussed, especially since it is still going on!