Monday, October 20, 2008

Researching for My Topic

I was almost overwhelmed at the number of articles and primary sources available in the TCU library system about the war in Irag. I wanted to focus in on troop removal, and the consequences of that, so that helped to narrow down the number of sources. like I said, it was very overwhelming and took alot longer than I had planned, so I kind of regretted doing the topic. But I interviewed my father as a primary source and got to see some of his personal photos of when he was over there and get a personal account. I was also reminded and careful of how biased the media is, and how they will twist and not report whatever helps their point they are arguing, so it helped to get a positive account of the troops in Iraq from my dad. I also looked up primary sources of what Obama and McCain claimed what their point of action would be with the troops once they were in office to compare with each other and explore the potential consequences of each of their decisions.
The assignment I concluded is going to be tough to do, but interesting and helpful because I feel the war is such old news to people that they almost disregard of forget about it.

1 comment:

Sara V said...

This should be a really interesting topic. And it's great that you can use your dad as a primary source! That should prove to show some great first hand information of what the troops are going through. Good luck on your paper!